Proven Strategies to Give You a Quick Mood Boost Audrey Hepburn once said, “I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls.” Indeed, people who are happy seem to glow from within and light up a room. And sure, we all want to be happy (not to mention pretty), but when you’re feeling blue, getting happy seems a lot easier said than done. But there actually are simple, effective tricks you can try to give yourself a quick mood boost, whether
Breathing Practices to Help Different Types of Problems So many problems can be solved with a few deep breaths. Really. Doing controlled breathing exercises is a quick, convenient and effective (not to mention free) way to reduce feelings of stress and tension, boost confidence, ease muscle tension and pain, improve concentration, lower blood pressure and promote a general feeling of calm. And different types of breathing exercises can promote different types of wellbeing. So the next time you find yourself in each
What You Need to Know Before Considering a Juice Cleanse. Juice cleanses are all the rage these days—and not just with hardcore health junkies like Gwyneth Paltrow. Enduring three to five days of ingesting only fresh pressed juices is a difficult feat, but perhaps worth it if such a cleanse really does live up to its promises of quickly detoxing your system, clearing your mind and helping you drop pounds. But do juice cleanses really work? Are they safe? Should you try
21 Unexpected Beauty Uses For Coconut Oil There are very few beauty products that we can honestly say are cure-alls, but coconut oil comes pretty close. You can use it for everything from healing scars to moisturizing dry knees. Recently, all the talk about relying on this oil for fresh breath got us thinking: what can’t coconut oil do? The answer: mattify (and it took us a minute to come up with that one). Celebrities like Emma Stone count it among
The quality of your sleep, along with your bedtime and wake time, influence your body fat composition. You already know that it’s important to get a solid night of sleep on a regular basis. For the vast majority of people, the “sweet spot” for the right amount of sleep per night is between 6 and 9 hours. When we don’t sleep enough, two hormones in our body are greatly affected: ghrelin and leptin. Ghrelin is a hormone that gives us the “go”
Dr. Oz and Dr. Roizen clear the air on the recent multi meltdowns. Confused by articles saying that you shouldn’t take vitamins? So are many. But not us, because we read what we called in our US News and World Report Blog the “fine print” of medical studies. There’s a lot of misunderstanding being spread around about supplements these days. If it all seems like too much to swallow, here’s a breakdown to help it go down smoothly. Following a review by the US
Wondering whether to ditch your antiperspirant? We examine the science to see if you really have to choose between B.O. and breast cancer risk. A troubling email went viral back in 1999: “I just got information from a health seminar that I would like to share,” the email read. “The leading cause of breast cancer is the use of anti-perspirant. Yes, ANTI-PERSPIRANT.” If you got that email or a similar version, which has been making the rounds for years, you might have
Make the most of your gym time by exercising with your body shape in mind. Here’s how to find your best fit. Not all workouts are created equal. By tweaking your exercise routine according to your particular body shape—whether you’re Hourglass, Circle, Triangle, Ruler or Inverted Triangle—you can help balance out your physique and make the most of your beautiful body. Not sure what your body shape is? Take our Body Type Quiz or read our Body
It’s not called “beauty sleep” for nothing. Getting enough shut-eye is key for healthy and beautiful skin and hair. Behind every glam morning is a good night’s sleep—and we’ve got the science and products to prove it. Beauty sleep isn’t just an empty phrase we use to justify sleeping in; there are actually proven ties between deep zzz’s and enhanced looks. Your body’s regenerative process is maximized during shut-eye, which is super beneficial to our skin. Melatonin, a hormone with powerful antioxidant
A Cookie Recipe That’s Actually Good for You Try this prunetastic recipe to tame your sweet tooth and protect your skin from a harsh winter. Brrr! It’s cold out—and the Arctic Vortex isn’t exactly helping our skin. What’s more, the cold also makes us crave sweets, which can get in the way of our attempts to make better food choices. But here’s a healthy and incredibly enjoyable way you can both protect your skin and satisfy your sweet tooth: this gluten-free and
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